Mario Steinemann
1.) There are not alot of freestylers in Sweden. How did you start skateboarding and even rarer, how did you find freestyle?
Freestylers in *Switzerland Like many teenagers around the year 2000 , I got interested generally in skateboarding thanks to the videogame series Tony Hawks Pro Skater, which featured a lot of great videos… including the almighty Rodney Mullen. After few years of street, I completely switched to freestyle . The F Forum was pretty underground back then , but great place to gather some general info around freestyle and how to get a proper freestyle deck / set up. I also found out about the infamous bone breaker video , which wasn’t at all about freestyle skateboarding and still chases my nightmares to date.
2.) I notice that you like skating smaller size decks. For someone with a bigger frame, why the small wood? Also, tell us how you came up with your shape.
Because I’m still big in Japan , even with my small wood. 7.25 width for me is just perfect for rail tricks , which I love. Anything wider starts to fell off for me and too high landing to rail . The overall smaller size feels easier for quick flips and rotations. Also harder stationary tricks like thrown sidewinder is easier with a smaller wood. My very first freestyle deck was from Lynn Cooper , which was a very small board and I got used to it. Later on I worked on a more freestyle oriented shape with Chaos Bros ( RIP John Leathers ) . The final evolution of the deck was then with Decomposed , which I love and ride since I joined the Decomposed team.
3.) I notice you like to wear shinguards on alot of your videos. Do you have any shin injuries or are you just a pussy?
Like most freestylers , I’m just a pussy. During hot summers I try not to wear them and embrace the pain , the rotten death smell scares off all the girls.
4.) You are very well known in the freestyle community. I remember you taking some 'business' trips to japan in the past. Have you tried carrying your pro model with you to UP your rockstar status during your visit?
I carry most of the times my pro model on any “business” trips to Asia. They love the decomposed designs and wood thickness . The floor gets wet even without any rain forecast.
5.) You seem to be enjoying yourself in all your skate videos. Technique and Fun. Give the next generation some advice on how to approach their skating and life.
Do skateboarding for the sake of it and you will probably be stuck with it for life. Just chasing the fame or trying to beat the competition , you may drop it sooner or later . Skateboarding is personal , so enjoy it how the fuck you want. Shinguards , pink trousers and pogos included. Try to care about your back health, if you don’t want to end up doing freestyle tricks in a wheelchair already at 40 . Check the adams apple when you’re chasing girls in Asia, may save you some surprises later. It’s not a crime to wear two condoms in the wrong ghetto in Thailand. You are really big in Japan, no matter the size of your wood.