Jamie Chalmers
Lets start off with an introduction. How and when did you start skateboarding and why freestyle?
I started skating in august of 2021! And freestyle in January of 2022. I always saw my older brothers “cool” friends cruising around the streets on skateboards, so I thought, WOAH! there cool I gotta start doing that to be like them. At first I didn’t really enjoy it I hardly progressed and never had any fun so I quit in December, few weeks later I saw my first freestyle video! And that got me back In the game of skateboarding, the rest is history!
The new generation of freestylers seem to learn at a faster pace due to a head start with easy video access. What are your sources for inspiration and how often do you skate a day?
My main source of inspiration are those ancient Rodney Mullen videos from the 80s- early 90s
You seem to juggle the switch between a single and doublekick really well. What are the pros and cons to both in your opinion? Also, lets discuss what gear you use while we're on this subject.
If I’m focused on straight single truck tricks I will use a single kick but if I want to do a little bit of everything I’ll use either a double kick or a spoon nose! I use my 7.3 freedom pirate deck! With Paris silver 108s with, waltz deep space explorers spinnin on bones big balls bearings.
You've had alot of injuries lately. Is this a common thing due to the hours you put in or did you have a bad summer this year? Any current aching injuries?
haha luckily I am ok right now, I have most definitely been skating more and trying tricks out of my comfort zone, I would also say I’m pretty delicate haha, so the addition of those two results in pretty common minor injuries.
You seem to progress at a fast rate considering how recent you started skateboarding. Above all the hard work, have your parents been supportive throughout this process? Finally, the mic is all yours. Any closing words?
YES my parents have been by my side for skaying since the day I started, my mom reposts all my videos, and my dad videos everything!
closing words: Merry Christmas!