Kilian Martin
1.) Give us a quick introduction of things we might not know about you including how you started skateboarding.
I started skating not because I wanted to get good at skating, but because I thought that any improvement on my skating would help my surfing, which was my main passion when I started skating. When I quit doing gymnastics, i wondered if It had been a waste of time. But when I discovered I could put some of my gymnastics skills into skating by doing freestyle, it all made sense to me.
2.) You have a massive variety of amazing tricks. Everytime new footage comes out, I'm blown away. How has your gymnast background helped with the development of your tricks. Walk us through how you normally come up with these crazy combos.
I usually write down many trick ideas. A lot of times I get ideas from tricks I’ve done in the past and looking at ways to upgrade them. Other times it’s tricks other people do and exploring ways to make them my own. Even if we don’t have time to skate all day and all night we can skate in our mind and come up with possible and impossible tricks to be tried. Maybe Gymnastics has helped with balance, determination and specially with any handstand tricks.
3.) You went from being a waiter to serving us some insane tricks. How has your life changed since turning pro? You have also done many amazing commercials. How has this experience been and do you have a favorite one?
Making a living doing what you like is a privilege. Since I have had many different jobs before making a living skateboarding , it’s made me appreciate it even more. My favorite commercial I’ve done was definitely the Apple commercial. The production was amazing, talented artists from all over the world working together to produce a piece of art.
4.) You once mailed me a used Powell Peralta Kilian deck that was not boxed up at all. All I got in the mail was a bare board with an address lable slapped on it. It was amazing! Tell us why you have switched from a small freestyle deck to a larger popsicle. You also seem to do alot of hybrid street tricks. How tight (or loose) do you crank your bushings because of this style of skating?
I still skate with a freestyle board sometimes and I love it. Skating with a street board helps me do those hybrid Freestyle/Street tricks. For me mixing street and freestyle gives me the best opportunity to be creative because I can take freestyle tricks to street obstacles. The trucks not too loose but not too tight.
5.) If my memory serves me right, you moved to California and then back to Madrid. How has the experience in sunny California been like and what is life like freestyling in Spain? Is there a freestyle scene in Spain?
I love skating in California. Amazing weather. The last few years I have been living in Phoenix, AZ. Really hot in the summer, so I’ve had to skate early in the morning. Yes Spain has a freestyle scene. @freestyle_skateboarding_spain In Spain there’s now a group of talented freestylers that keep freestyle going forward in Spain.