Guenter Mokulys
1.) You have accomplished alot since the 80s. You invented several tricks, written freestyle instructional books, competed around the globe and dominated multiple contests. How and when did you start skateboarding? Why did you choose freestyle? How popular is freestyle in Germany in the 80s and how popular is it today?
I started in Dortmund / Münster in May 1983. I started with Freestyle because that is all I know how to do at the time.
Halfpipe skating did existed though. Miniramps, skateparks and longboarding did not exist in Germany at the time.
Not even the Streetskating, as you know it today.
In the 80s, freestyle skateboarding was just as popular as halfpipe skateboarding. Skateboarding was a great family.
At the present time, Freestyle skateboarding is not popular in Germany because not alot of people know much about it. As long as the big skate companies do not want to know about freestyle, freestyle will not grow. On top of that, there is no professional federation, organization that brings freestyle worldwide again.
World Round Up is an organization dedicated to freestyle. Very nice. I have a lot of respect for these people and it bring me joy every year. But if you ask a skateboarder in Germany, what is 'World Round Up'? Only freestylers and friends will know it. Here in Germany, Freestyle Skateboarding is something strange. There are also no offspring. In Berlin I am the only Freestyler.
2.) You skate alot more than the average person. How many decks, wheels, and trucks have you used since you started skateboarding? I know you compulsively keep a list of all this. Also, how many contests have you entered?
How many decks, trucks and wheels have I used in 35 years? Let's put it this way:
Every 2 to 3 weeks = 1 deck. Every 5 to 6 months = a pair of trucks. Every 4 weeks = a set of wheels. Every 2 weeks a pair of shoes.
How many competitions. As of today (22nd Feb 2017) = 106 competitions.
3.) You have been rumored to train excessively, especially in the 80s. How often did you practice in the 80s and how often do you practice these days? Why did you stop skating for a short time in the 90s?
How often I train? In the 80's, I skated 5 to 6 hours daily. In this day with my age = 3 to 4 hours a day. It's my job. I do not only train for competitions, but for shows. On the stage, I earn my money. In the 1990s, I took some years with Skateboarding pause, for private reasons.
4.) You are 40+ years old and still skating at a very high level. Do you regulate your diet or exercise to maintain your body at a healthy level? Do you have any injuries?
I wish I was at 40 years old. That would be good. I am 53 years old.
My day consists of: 7 o'clock to get up, 9 to 11 o'clock. 12 am to 3 pm office work. 4 pm to 8 pm. Not to forget, gymnastics morning and evening. I currently have no injuries. Eating well is also important. No alcohol or drugs.
5.) You have some of the most consistent and smoothest styles out there. You are also extremely good at linking tricks together with little 'setup' time. A perfect formula for contests. What are your ideal rules and guidlines for judging in contests?
Over the many years I am trying to keep a good level. This is because skateboarding is also a job for me.
Rules for contests is a touchy topic. One should keep the 80's freestyle rules. All new rules, such as 1 minute run or skaters against skaters do not lead to the more viewers. 2 minute runs is still the most popular. I only say Paderborn. Each year on a Sunday freestyle contest with 2000 to 3000 spectators.
Tricks developed by Guenter Mokulys:
1984: Wirl-Trick.
1985: 1,1/2 Fingerflip to 50/50,
1986: One Armed Handstand, Rollen-Flip to 50/50.
1986: The San Francisco Flip.
1987: Impossible to Truck / Bonebreaker / Flip-Flap.
1988: Handstand Flip to Nohand-Casper / Tucknee-Spacewalk.
1989: Railflip 1,1/4 to Pogo / Incredabe-Backside.
1990: Ollie Frondside 180° Fingerflip
2014: Tucknee-Backwards
01) 28-29.04.1984 Marl-Sinsen-Cup Marl-Sinsen (Germany) 5 Place
02) 10-11.06.1984 M-M-Mastership Münster (Germany) 4 Place
03) 18-19.08.1984 NRW-Championship Recklinghausen (Germany) 3 Place
04) 15-16.09.1984 German-Championship Celle (Germany) 4 Place
05) 06-07.10.1984 Konstanz-Cup Konstanz (Germany) 1 Place
05) 06-07.10.1984 Konstanz-Cup Konstanz (Germany) 1 Place
06) 13-14.10.1984 Europe-Championship Roun (France) 6 Place
07) 24.11.1984 Meckenheim-Cup Meckenheim (Germany) 4 Place
08) 01-02.12.1984 Skateland-Cup Hamburg (Germany) 3 Place
09) 30-31.03.1985 German-Open Ibbenbüren (Germany) 5 Place
10) 24-25.05.1985 Europe-Cup Münster (Germany) 5 Place
11) 14-15.06.1985 French-Open Bourges (France) 6 Place
12) 10-13.07.1985 Skandinavin-Open Koppenhagen (Denmark) 5 Place
13) 14-15.09.1095 German-Championship Rüdesheim (Germany) 2 Place
14) 27-29.09.1985 Europe-Championship Bamberg (Germany) 8 Place
15) 11-13.10.1985 Euope-Cup Konstanz (Germany) 1 Place
16) 13-15.12.1985 Skateland-Cup Hamburg (Germany) 1 Place
17) 02-05.05.1986 Swiss-Open Zürich (Sweiz) 2 Place
18) 16-18.05.1986 Mastership-Europe-Cup Münster (Germany) 1 Place
19) 06-08.06.1986 French-Open Bordeaux (France) 3 Place
20) 14-16.08.1986 Swiss-Open Basel (Switzerland) 1 Place
21) 19-20.07.1986 N.S.A. Oceanside-Cup Los Angeles (USA) 7 Place
22) 18-27.08.1986 Transworld-Championship Vancouver (Canada) 1 Place
23) 13-14.09.1986 German-Championship Recklinghausen (Germany) 1 Place
24) 19-20.09.1986 Europe-Championship Manchester (England) 3 Place
25) 10-13.10.1986 Europe-Cup Konstanz (Germany) 2 Place
26) 22-24.11.1986 Bordeaux-Cup Bordeaux (France) 4 Place
27) 01-03.05.1987 Europe-Cup Stuttgart (Germany) 2 Place
28) 31.05.1987 NRW-Championship Münster (Germany) 1 Place
29) 06-08.06.1987 World-Cup Münster (Germany 1 Place
30) 19-20.06.1987 French-Open Bordeaux (France) 2 Place
31) 21-23.08.1987 Europe- Championchip Stockholm (Sweden) 3 Place
32) 29-30.08.1987 Prag-Open Prag (Czech Republic) 1 Place
33) 12-13.09.1987 German-Championship Stuttgart (Germany) 1 Place
34) 19-20.10.1987 Bonn-Open Bonn (Germany) 1 Place
35) 10-11.10.1987 Europe-Cup Konstanz (Germany) 2 Place
36) 18-19.06.1988 Santa-Cruz-Open Adelberg (Germany) 1 Place
37) 08-10.07.1988 World-Cup Münster (Germany) 5 Place
38) 17-19.09.1988 German-Championship Berlin (Germany) 1 Place
39) 24-25.09.1988 Europe-Cup Brüssel (Belgium) 1 Place
40) 14-16.10.1988 Europe-Championchip Prag (Czech Republic) 1 Place
41) 11.03.1989 NRW-Championchip Adelberg (Germany) 1 Place
42) 21-23.04.1989 Europe-Cup Essen (Germany) 1 Place
43) 28-30.04.1989 AES-Cup Hildesheim (Germany) 1 Place
44) 27-28.05.1989 G+S-Cup Hamburg (Germany) 1 Place
45) 17-18.06.1989 Skandinavin-Open Koppenhagen (Denmark) 1 Place
46) 03-06.08.1989 World-Cup Münster (Germany) 3 Place
47) 23-24.09.1989 German-Championship Adelberg (Germany) 1 Place
48) 29-30.09.1989 Europe-Championship Madrid (Spain) 2 Place
49) 12-13.05.1990 NRW-Championship Köln (Germany) 1 Place
50) 27.05.1990 AES-Cup Hamburg (Germany) 2 Place
51) 03.06.1990 Bayern-Championship München (Germany) 1 Place
52) AES-Cup Borges (France) 1 Place
53) 02-05.08.1990 World-Cup Münster (Germany) 4 Place
54) 21-22.09.1990 German-Championship Stuttgart (Germany) 1 Place
55) 05-07.10.1990 Europe-Championship Yverdon (Switzerland) 1 Place
56) 19-21.07.1991 World-Championship Münster (Germany) 1 Place
57) 26-27.07.1991 Europe-Cup Le Grand Bornand (France) 3 Place
58) 26-27.10.1991 Europe-Championship Koppenhagen (Denmark) 1 Place
59) 25-26.08.1992 Europe-Championship Münster (Germany) 1 Place
60) 13.10.2002 German-Open Würzburg (Germany) 1 Place
61) 15-17.07.2003 US-Championship Long-Beach, CA. (USA) 1 Place
62) 24-25.10.2003 World-Championship Würzburg (Germany) 1 Place
63) 10-11.07.2004 German-Open Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
64) 14-15.08.2004 World-Championship Pasadena, CA. (USA) 1 Place
65) 20.03.2005 Adidas-Cup Berlin (Germany) 1 Place
66) 22.05.2005 Würzburg-Open Sennfeld (Germany) 1 Place
67) 09-10.07.2005 German-Open Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
68) 01-02.10.2005 World-Championship Sao Paulo (Brazil) 1 Place
69) 15-16.07.2006 German-Open Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
70) 29-30.07.2006 World-Championship Birmingham (England) 1 Place
71) 12-13.08.2006 German-Open Bamberg (Germany) 1 Place
72) World-Championship Vancouver (Canada) 5 Place
73) 18-19.08.2007 German-Open Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
74) 17-18.05.2008 Europe-Open Paris (France) 1 Place
75) 02-03.07.2008 German-Open Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
76) 02-03.08.2008 German-Open Bamberg (Germany) 1 Place
77) 30.08.2008 German-Open Nauheim (Germany) 1 Place
78) 20.09.2008 US-Championship Wake-Forest (USA) 1 Place
79) 25-26.10.2008 World-Championship Sao Paulo (Brazil) 1 Place
80) 23.05.2009 German-Championship Brandenburg (Germany) 2 Place
81) 06-07.06.2009 Holland-Open Amsterdam (Holland) 1 Place
82) 20-21.06.2009 World-Cup Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
83) 11.07.2009 England-Open Shepton-Mallet (England) 1 Place
84) 01.08.2009 US-Championship Seattle (USA) 1 Place
85) 02.08.2009 Canada-Championship Vancouver (Canada) 1 Place
86) 24-25.10.2009 World-Championship Tokio (Japan) 1 Place
87) 04-05.07.2010 World-Cup Paderborn (Germany) 2 Place
88) 18-19.07.2010 World-Championship Philadelphia (USA) 1 Place
89) 12-13.07.2011 World-Cup Paderborn (Germany) 2 Place
90) 10.09.2011 German-Open Nauheim (Germany) 1 Place
91) 22.01.2012 German-Championship München (Germany) 1 Place
92) 25-28.05.2012 Worlds-Rund-Up Vancouver (Canada) 2 Place
93) 08.07.2012 World-Championship Paderborn (Germany) 2 Place
94) 28.04.2013 Bajohr Cup 2013 Dortmund (Germany) 1 Place
95) 17-20.05.2013 Worlds-Round-Up Vancouver (Canada) 1 Place
96) 06-07.07.2013 BBQ Sk8-Contest Paderborn (Germany) 2 Place
97) 17-18.08.2013 World-Championship Shepton Mallet (England) 2 Place
98) 16-19.05.2014 Worlds-Round-Up Vancouver (Canada) 2 Place
99) 16-18.01.2015 Big Rio Contest Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 1 Place
100) 15-18.05.2015 World-Round-Up Vancouver (Kanada) 1 Place
101) 13-14.06.2015 BBQ-Sk8-Contest Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
102) 27.06.2015 Fusionjam-Contest Tilburg (Holland) 1 Place
103) 20-23.05.2016 World-Round-Up Vancouver (Canada) 4 Place
104) 09-10.07.2016 BBQ-Sk8-Contest Paderborn (Germany) 1 Place
105) 05-06.08.2016 World Cup Freestyle Stockholm (Sweden) 3 Place
106) 14-15.01.2017 Big Rio Contest Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 1 Place
….to be continued.